Sunday, 12 May 2013

I'm still there

It’s been more than 3 months since I’ve posted a note in here. 
How come? 
Am I that busy not being able to find a moment to put some words down ?  Could it be I had no inspiration the past 3 months ? Or wasn’t I feeling good enough to share my thoughts and crafts ? 
Well, it’s probably a mix of it all.
I should probably clarify this to avoid you thinking I'm in a depressive mood or anything close to it... Yet the ones who know me well should remember that it always looks worse than what it actually is... 
Anyway, I’m still doing a non-rewarding and not well paid job and it doesn't bring any good or food to my bulimic brain... But I sure can't complain. On the contrary, I even consider myself pretty lucky as I work in a great environment surrounded by great people -and a few have become really dear to my heart (a special thought to Lolo, Dédé and Flavia). 
It's been 13 months I left my family and friends to try a new adventure in Scotland, a country I fell connected to when I was a child. I still have the same feeling inside with a few ups and downs, especially when it comes to work and administration (so different from what I'm used to). But these material aspects cannot take over what I feel for Scotland. My love for the Land of Oats (yes, I'm a porridge and oatcake lover) started when I was a child. In August last year I even wrote a text about it for the Scottish Book Trust. And on days like today when I question myself on being here I just need to read a few lines of this text to make the doubts disappear.  
I still miss my family and friends though - some days more than others. And today probably more than any other day as it is mothers day. I join my thoughts to my sisters and brother's as we all miss our mum who passed away 40 days ago. But I am not alone. I have a few precious friends here and I even found LOVE six months ago. And NO, he is not a scottish red-haired rugbyman... He is French with dark hair...

I must confess I have not been productive in my writings lately but I have in my craftings.  
I will dedicate the next post to share my latest creations.


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